Interesting Stuff

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Let's Go: Innaugural post... What's in a Name?

Welcome to GloBRaD (Global Business Relief and Development). In choosing a name we've tried to represent what we'd like to discuss here.

There are a few experiences that inform this arrangement of words. In 2010, I was having coffee in Lusaka, Zambia with friends from Ghana, Nigeria, and Kenya. Two of them are professors of Pharmacy, and the other is an engineer for NASA who designs life support systems for the International Space Station. As we talked, we collectively observed that in Africa, America does aid, Europe does development, and China does business. I think we need to do more business... I also believe that business is not the only solution, and to only rely on business professionals ignores years of hard earned cross-cultural insight, wisdom, and experience available in the spheres of Aid, Relief, and Development.

The concept of a BRAID is also relevant. I've made a practice of applying the wisdom found in this Hebrew proverb: 
By yourself you’re unprotected.
With a friend you can face the worst.
Can you round up a third?
A three-stranded rope isn’t easily snapped. (Ecclesiastes 4:12 The Message)

My wife and I first considered this truth at the behest of the minister who provided our premarital counseling and performed our wedding. His point was about the importance of giving holistic consideration to our needs within the context of our marriage: physical, mental, spiritual.

Working in Africa since 2008, I've also tried to apply the wisdom of the African Proverb that says, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

This is a place where you will find regular links to articles from around the world discussing: 
  • Business (development)
  • Relief
  • Aid
  • International Development
We'll also enjoy guest posts from professionals working in these areas. As each of these strands are woven together they (and we) become stronger than they would otherwise be.

It's my desire that the articles presented (and linked to) here will provide food for thought and a platform to engage and develop our own thoughts and practices in each of these areas. If something resonates with you, let's discuss it. If you think it's completely wrong, let's discuss it. If you have a question, let's discuss it.

Welcome, I trust we'll all be better informed and equipped as a result of time spent here. 
Let's Go!

(Side note: trolls and inflammatory rhetoric will not be indulged, hosted, or considered. There are plenty of other places to exercise those tendencies and desires: like maybe your own blog :). 

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